An all-screen iPhone with nought bezels was reported to launch all the rage 2026, but it appears with the intention of several technical setbacks may possibly wreck the company’s pipe dream. With the period frame by the side of dispense, the iPhone 18 was made-up to turn up with a bezel-free put on show and a modern tale claims with the intention of the expertise might not survive prompt in support of 2026. The company has been working insistently to reduce the bezels on the iPhone, and even this year’s iPhone 16 Pro models element single of the slimmest borders on a device.
LG and Samsung are facing difficulties all the rage on the increase the bezel-free put on show expertise in support of Apple’s iPhone, maybe delayed away from 2026
According to a tale in print by The Elec, Apple’s bezel-free iPhone is still a a small amount of years away, for example the company is working with Samsung and LG on the modern expertise. The employment has affect a roadblock in support of at this point, and here is thumbs down word of whilst the suppliers hope against hope give a breakthrough. By the side of this stage, the device with nought bezels has been delayed away from 2026.
Apple’s implementation of an all-screen iPhone hope against hope survive diverse from with the intention of of Samsung’s elder Galaxy-branded smartphones, which were curved from the sides. This is since the Cupertino giant does not choose the “magnifying schooner effect,” which is a by-product of the curved screen on the sides. Xiaomi as well offers a “quad-curved cascade put on show,” which as well skin texture the same magnifying effect on all sides.
Apple, on the flip characteristic, aims to keep its unique unequivocally screen part of the bezel-less come near with bony sides. The screen hope against hope broaden seamlessly larger than the tiptoe, like to the Apple Watch’s design. Industry insiders give as well suggested with the intention of Apple’s bezel-less iPhone put on show would survive pebble-like. The technical challenges involved all the rage eliminating Apple’s bezels continue major in support of Samsung and LG.
Both suppliers obligation adopt two technologies, as well as threadlike Film Encapsulation in support of OLED protection and Optical fine glue in support of relating and bonding the film around the curved edges. Furthermore, the suppliers would as well give to churn out indubitable with the intention of here is opportunity in support of the iPhone’s antennas. The latter of the two technologies is causing issues in support of both suppliers, and it remains to survive seen which single comes up with a solution basic.
At present, the OCA expertise allows distortions from the characteristic outlook, which may possibly give break concerns all the rage the imminent. Apple must give finalized the put on show statistics by at this point, but it remains to survive seen come again? The then timeline in support of the bezel-less iPhone hope against hope survive, for example former reports give suggested with the intention of the company hope against hope make a start stack production all the rage 2026 in support of the iPhone 18 lineup. All we know in support of at this point is with the intention of the launch would slip a a small amount of years forward and with the intention of Apple’s pipe dream of a “single chunk of glass” iPhone is on influence.